The Pyramid - Behind The Lights

Review by Karl Magi

Overall Album Impressions

The Pyramid's Behind The Lights inspires me and fills me with upbeat emotion. I am drawn to the melodic beauty, powerful musical imagery and a strongly interwoven series of layered synths that breathe beauty into the tracks on this album. I find myself touched by The Pyramid’s work here.

Behind The Lights contains one of the most gorgeous, affecting and uplifting collections of melodies of any synth-based album I’ve reviewed in a while. The Pyramid’s melodies manage to convey nostalgia, exuberance, joy and melancholy all at once sometimes. I find my heart being touched, my spirits raised and my energy levels rising each time I hear the melodic writing on this album.

Another potent aspect of Behind The Lights is the way in which The Pyramid’s compositions paint vivid mental imagery for me. The way in which harmony, melody and the synth palette come together to delineate sensations, emotions and mental landscapes results in intense and pleasing visualizations for me. I find these images hard to resist.

I am also attracted to the way in which The Pyramid deploys his synth sounds on the album. He keeps my aural interest piqued throughout by creating intriguing and ear-pleasing mixtures of sound. Each element manages to retain its unique auditory qualities while still become a cohesive whole as the different musical parts are layered and intertwined.

My Favourite Tracks Analyzed

“Chasing Dreams” comes into being as airy sounds rush through the music. Reverberant, brightly shining synth calls out and massively growling bass swells as towering drums slowly thud. Shimmering lead synth carries a superb melody fit to burst with elated encouragement as solidly throbbing drums and bass propel the music

The main melody exudes incredibly tender emotion as brassy synth sings with a majestic, triumphant sensation. The gentle lead synth radiates nurturing emotion through the music while shaping drums and bass guide the music. The main melody expresses a sense of everything good in the world, resonant and glistening. It is full of triumph with just a tinge of something aching in it before silence falls.

Gigantic kick drum pulsates while medium-high, open-voiced synth echoes with tranquility to open “Driving To Nowhere.” Darker, sharper-edged synth echoes with melancholy warmth as percussion forms a clapping, guiding beat and the big kick drum throbs.

The lead synth has a wonderfully wistful flow as it carries a mournfully shaded melody. Higher, rounded synth sails out with an ethereal melody as solidly throbbing bass and drums slip into an easy going beat.

Elevated synth adds a plaintive quality and open sounding synth with a vocal quality carries a ghostly, tenderly dreaming melody above the low end’s steadying influence. Glistening lead synth carries the mingled hope and loss of the main melody out into quiet as the track ends.

“City Lights” starts as hollow bass tumbles and luminous synth flashes out a melody brimming over with energy and yearning as the bass cascades. Now the lead synth flares with intense light, carrying an optimistic melody. Drums pulse smoothy underneath and a tinge of dreaminess comes in.

I enjoy the way in which positivity fills the music, adding a feeling of progress. A choir adds more human life to the music and the drums and bass interlock into a driving beat. The lead synth sings with sunny hope and the choir adds another layer of light to the melody.

Hollow drums add accents and the lead synth shines with only a hint of something more hurting touching it. The main melody sings, full of unbounded aspiration as nasal sounding synth adds a measure of cosmic flow as it trembles out. The drums and bass keep pushing forward before the track ends.

Full sounding synth calls out in echoing notes that ripple into a rapidly shifting pattern as “Arcade Afternoons” commences. Slightly gruff but warm sounding synth grows into the music as heavy, muffled drums pulsate. Medium-high, mellow synth flows with nostalgic, touching melody while accenting synths flare as drums throb.

The lead synth is filled with an unctuous feeling as the melody draws me in, sketching images of lazy childhood afternoons. Shining, string-like synth trickles through and youthful energy fills the main melody as solid drums drive on.Taut, string-like sounds trickle and leaping synth radiates sunlight as it takes up the melody. The track sweeps with celebratory life before ending on rising chords and trumpeting synth.

“The Shade” commences as slowly unfolding, open-voiced synth echoes out into space. Rough-edged bass descends and blaring, sharp-edged synth carries a cosmically wandering melody above throbbing kick drum and gritty bass. Bass undulates while glistening synth sings a well-crafted vulnerable, tender melody. Synth notes flicker in the distance and bass waves flow. The lead synth cries out the melody, turning through open space with longing and loss while higher notes flutter.

Muted, soft-edged synth carries the aching melody above expansive drums while feather light notes float. Broad, effulgent lead synth carries the roaming, hurting melody above the steady weight below it. The main melody is full of tragic gentleness and the track ends in soothing emotion that pierces me to my heart as silence falls.

Twisting, gargling synth adds darker shadings as bass trembles and kick drum thumps in to open “Dawn.” Raised notes flit through in patterns as the drums propel the music and full-voiced, enfolding chords float. Coruscating synth flickers out a melody that is deep with reassuring emotion as it pours out shimmering light.

Drums pulse powerfully and lush bass add depth while fleeting notes shift add further lambency. The main melody rings out with crystal clarity, imbued with a purity of emotion that fills my heart. Punchy drums fade as the tumbling bass pulse supports the inspiring melody. undoubted happiness while the drums shape the music. The track slowly fades as the drums thud and an elevated, extending sound flows to quiet.

“Reflections In The Mirror” begins as an exuberant snare drum echoes along with an insistent bass pulsation. Gossamer sounds delicately uncurl and medium-low, flashing synth sings a calming, affectionate melody over shaping drums and bass.

There’s a pleasingly airy quality to the main melody as sailing sounds slip through. The glittering lead synth conveys caring and ease while bass grounds it as tinkling sounds lightly flicker past. Drums provide direction while swirling synths intertwine. Fond feelings fill the melody as it slips through and hollow percussion taps in short bursts.

The underlying rhythm keeps ticking over and galactic notes float. Nasal-sounding, incredibly uplifting synth cries out with unbridled positivity as the dense low end of the track supports it and silence falls on lapping notes.

Sharp-edged, shining synth drops in slowly cascading lines to start off “When The Night Falls.” Caressing synth slips out, carrying in a melody effectively combining gentleness and melancholy. Thundering drums throb on and climbing, distant synth moves with the colossal bass.

A snare drum rattles rapidly as the lead synth trumpets out, full of energy and something poignant. Drums and bass scud on with a laid back feeling as a melody explodes with joyful freedom. The main melody rings out again, full of joy unbounded before ending.

“The Long End” comes to life with ominous, rushing drums touched by a round-toned, nasal-sounding synth carrying tranquil, but buoyant melody accented by open-voiced notes. The main melody forms a touching emotional state as huge bass rumbles. Brightly shiny synth carries a melody that lifts my spirits while gigantic drums bounce.

Glassy smooth synth adds more sunlight and the main melody calls to me, carrying me past the world’s harshness into pastel clouds, reminding me that living can be joyful. The lead synth washes worldly dust away before falling silent.


Behind The Lights is music that deeply touches me and fills me with an intoxicating mixture of hope, happiness and uplifting energy as it unfolds. This album fulfills my passion for melody and my love of music that can make me feel! It is one of my favourites so far this year.


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