THE OLD DEAD TREE - Second Thoughts

Review by Chris Magdalenski

28 Years and Still Raging Forward

I think it’s safe to say that one of the best things about music writing in the social media age is that it has motivated me to actually go out and search for interesting new music rather than passively wait for some intriguing new track to grace my ears.

While France’s The Old Dead Tree are new to my ears, they certainly aren’t new to making progressive heavy music. Spanning a 28 year career that brought six albums, two break-ups, and the tragic loss of a founding member by suicide, the band undoubtedly has had an experience that comes across in their music.

It’s clear the band knows how to craft a song. From track one I was drawn in. Epic guitar riffs play in tandem with vocals that switch from soulful and melancholy to a raging growl at the drop of a beat. Skillful use of orchestration like the addition of stringed instruments, layered vocal harmonies, and field recordings really add depth and interest to the music, giving the whole album a polished quality that works well.

Overall, the thing that impressed me the most about Second Thoughts is the variety of song craft on display. Each track feels very different from one another while still clearly working in service to the band’s sound and vision. Song like “Without a Second Thought” and “The Worst is Yet to Come” are all out gravel-voiced grinding intensity, while “Better Off Dead” and “Solastalgia” showcase a softer, more composed side that very much reminds me of Queen.

Without a doubt this album is a welcome discovery. I’m currently making my way though the rest of bands discography and would encourage everyone to do the same!

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