Terrordyne - The Dead Will Walk The Earth

Review By Karl Magi

Overall Album Impressions

Terrordyne’s The Dead Will Walk the Earth shambles, growls and throbs with terrible portent and deathly terror. This is music that is shrouded in mist and shadow, underpinned by churning rage and awful hunger. Terrordyne creates a dark atmosphere through interlinked synths, dominating drums and crushing bass. I enjoy the unrelenting sense of terror that permeates every bit of this album.

Atmosphere is an integral aspect of why The Dead Will Walk The Earth works as an album. Terrordyne has woven an atmosphere rife with fear and danger by combining absolutely overwhelming bass and assaulting drums with synths that snarl, howl and sometimes ache. The end result is an album utterly drenched in ravening hunger, shadowy power and touched with moments of tragic emotion.

Terrordyne’s musical collaborators on the album, Dan Dave Larson and LordNikøn bring their own musical sensibilities to bear in a way that deepens the overall quality of the music. They have musical visions that are compatible with the overall feeling of The Dead Will Walk The Earth, but in a way that increases the creative cross-pollination in the music.

Another element to The Dead Will Walk The Earth that is effective for me is the way in which Terrordyne strategically deploys musical contrast on the album. The rage, fear and evil hunger that fill the music are occasionally touched by moments of tragic emotion that tremble delicately. The intensity of the contrast between sadness and shadow makes those moments especially powerful and touching.

My Favourite Tracks Analyzed

“VI” starts off as harsh, rough bass slices and distant voices echo as blaring synth winds out. Sawing, trembling synth sweeps and metallic noises reverberate through the music. The whispering hissing and sweeping introduction superbly sets the album’s mood.

Rounded, digital-sounding synth echoes out in a quickly flickering melodic pattern to create tension as “Source Code” opens. Wind sweeps as a broad drum bursts before worried, hollow synth tumbles through the track. Weight drums pulse as tense chimes ring out and jangling, interweaving synth seethes in angular motion.

Shadowy, resonant synth shifts to form a portentous, slowly evolving pattern over slamming drums and bass. Flashing synth flows in an aching melodic pattern that effectively contrasts with the shadowy feeling in the track. Agitated, expanding synth slices in bursts as a growling bass void opens below it.

Haunted, medium-high synth shivers along with flickering chimes and snarling bass. Drums tap with fiercely rushing speed before a heavy, pounding drum and bass motion shoves the track forward. Technological sounding synth shifts in threatening, razor-edged lines as growing dread permeates the track. Massive, medium high synth towers into the music in extended chords before the track ends.

“The Dead Will Walk the Earth” begins as orchestral synth trembles in string-like lines above an utterly overwhelming bass pulse. A demonic voice rumbles and smashing drums and hammering bass slowly throb as sharp sounds rattle into the music.

Elevated, shining synth trickles in nervous lines above echoing voices, crushing bass weight and brutal drums. Writhing synth traces spectral tendrils as flickering sounds scamper past. High synth echoes above vast, guttural bass, turning the tension up further. Above the bass, taut synth wriggles pleasingly in tangled skeins. Bass splatters and vibrates with lacerating effect as the track ends

Raging bass assaults the ears as a high synth howls in warning to open "Year Zero.” Solidly smacking drums create a shaping beat above angry, massive bass as a series of terror-filled, raised synth notes fall through the music. Drums and bass form an urgent, snarling pulse that pushes the track on.

Elevated, trumpeting synth rings out in a fearful melodic pattern above slamming bass muscle and guiding drums. Melancholy synth roams before the drums and bass alone brutally, effectively punch the listener in the chest. Nervously trembling arpeggios flow, carried on a high, brittle synth above the ferocious depths far below. The percussion and bass have a jumping heft.

Medium-high, gleaming synth that creates a melodic pattern that cries out in pain.  Raised, flashing synth calls out in ever more lost-feeling notes. Below it the other elements, drums and bass charge on with terrifying power in contrast to the melody’s ache. Glowing arpeggios guide the track to an end along with flickering, raised synth

“Void” commences as slowly descending, swirling synths with a sharp edge flow as a brassy, raised synth trumpets out bright but troubled notes. Slowly heaving bass and throbbing drums add shape to the track.

Minor key, horrified sounding synth bursts out in hectic motion, anxious above gigantic bass and slowly pounding drums. Raised, razor-edged synths mingle terror, pain and a sense of abandonment in a way I find compelling. Chimes ripple in agitated motion above the tremendous weight below them.

A voice echoes out along with Stygian bass and high chimes fearfully glittering. Tight, worried synths tangle above the leaping bass that batters along with steady drums. High synths exude terror as the surge below them fades to rapidly whirling arpeggios, keeping the tension ramped up to the end.

Pouring rain, cracking thunder and an ominous synth pulse start “Assassin.” Distant arpeggios whirl and crescendo as a tight synth cries out. Rain splashes in the background as synth chords form a smooth flow below wandering, lost-sounding synth.

Angular drums hit hard and steady bass flows as shining synth scuttles in quick bursts that skilfully convey creeping danger. Nasal-sounding synth drifts and a scream rings out. Organ chords tremble with ominous feeling above punching drums and rich bass. The music sails reverently as a pipe organ howls with bright worry.

Digital-sounding arpeggios dance in between choral sounds before drums speed and bass heaves. Sharp lines of cutting synth burst as scared-feeling chords move below. High synth writhes above a worshipful choir as unrelenting drums and bass smash in.  A string section adds a mournful feeling before the track ends.

“Legacy” kicks off as jagged bass rumbles demonically and higher sounds drift with threatening intent.  Drums form a steady heartbeat while elevated sounds cry out a warning. Drums crash into the track as the bass shudders heavily, forming a driving pulse that urges the track on forcefully.

I am drawn to the surging power that fills this track’s low end. Medium-high, minor key lead synth broadcasts danger and growing rage. Drums flatly smack into the track, bass growls with ferocity and low synth undulates with muscled energy. Twirling, medium high synths cascade in a pained, shadowed melodic pattern before silence falls.

Towering bass blocks rapidly throb as a wild voice screams about the undead rising to kill as “Dying Of The Light” comes to life. Stygian bass and colossal drums drive the music with horrifying power as full-sounding, medium-high synth carries a tragic melody. This melody’s gentleness forms a well-considered contrast to the dark power seething all around it.

Slashing bass rumbles and drums pound as fearful arpeggios circle. Tremulous lead synth carries the pained melody above the irresistible weight far below it. Once again, the contrast is heart-rending as the growing shadows threaten to overwhelm the light trying to shine through. The track ends on glittering notes drifting out into silence.

“Void (LordNikon Remix)” begins as broad, horror-filled arpeggios ripple above impossibly deep bass to effectively create creeping dread. Drums shatter angrily as they accelerate and bass lacerates.

A high sound drifts out while bass rends at the ears and huge drums burst. Another tensely spinning arpeggio adds a feeling of growing danger that ramps up the tension. Raised sound moves with an insectile skitter while indescribably low bass rumbles.

Quick, scraping sounds slip and the drums assault the listener’s ears while sweeping wind flows. The drums accelerate and wraith-like synth floats high above the cutting, tidal bass. Unsettled arpeggios twirl and drums broadly float above the rattling, immense bass underneath before silence falls.


The Dead Will Walk The Earth powerfully creates fear as it unfolds, capturing all of the existential dread of a zombie invasion in musical form. Terrordyne is a master of horror-filled synth music and I always enjoy hearing what he comes up with.


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