STYGIAN RUIN - A Violent Egress

Written By Chris Magdalenski

Soundtrack to a Burning Sky: A Review of A Violent Egress by Stygian Ruin

There's a world where those that worship the old gods succeeded. The fruits of their blood rites ripening on a tree of sacrifice, only to come crashing to Earth in unspeakable glory. Monstrous terrors released laying waste to everything within a tentacles reach.

Oslo's Stygian Ruin brings the darkness of that world to life with their latest release A Violent Egress. Comprised of two tracks that clock in at around 40 minutes total, the album is nothing short of an epic journey through a post-apocalyptic hellscape.

Like their previous releases, the music is darkly beautiful. Masterfully orchestrated with multiple layers of sonic texture to uncover though repeat listenings.

The vocals are a character by themselves. They lurk in the depths of the mix, guttural growls that emerge from the grinding guitars and sinister synths with all the menace of an eldritch creature.

This is mood music for the end of days, and I offer that as the highest of compliments. With five previous releases to explore I'm just getting acquainted with this band. I highly recommend you do the same.

For more, visit


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