Retrograth - Sparks and Shimmer
Review by Karl Magi
Overall Album Impressions
Retrograth’s Sparks and Shimmer explores both the literal and metaphorical meaning of gold in society and the world at large. He examines both the consequences and significance of gold as a symbol and its influence on human behavior. The way in which he combines his distinctive, gripping vocal style with well-written lyrics and a musical backdrop that mingles melancholy, triumph and seething darkness draws me into this philosophical and thought-provoking musical exploration.
The way in which Retrograth's voice takes hold of me is one of the reasons for my enjoyment of Sparks and Shimmer He doesn't sound like anybody else on the synth music scene, combining weight with expressive depth in a way that drives home the meaning within his words. The unique tone of his voice gives the music a mingled shadow and energy as it unfolds.
I'm also deeply impressed by Retrograth’s songwriting abilities. Each song explores some aspect of striving for gold in either a literal or figurative form. It examines the ways in which greed, the desire to win and a hunger for dominance are interwoven with how gold has been perceived and how it has functioned in society.
The music on Sparks and Shimmer combines a powerful bass line with fascinating synth tones, timbres and textures to convey moods that range from heavy darkness to victorious energy, moving through complex layers and mingled feelings. The end result is rich, layered and complements Retrograth’s singing and songwriting abilities.
My Favourite Tracks Analyzed
"Shine" begins with heavily explosive drums moving below a seething, angular synth pulse as shining notes carry a melody full of leaping dynamism and irrepressible energy. The heaving weight below pushes the smoothly glowing synth melody before Retrograth’s shadowed vocals carry an enigmatic and haunted melody above the broadly throbbing low end.
The chorus adds rich illumination as the guitar howls and shivers in the distance. The drums and bass thunder and propel the music as the gleaming notes carry an intertwining, ghostly melodic line. The surging energy drives the track as the scintillating synth shines. Retrograth’s darkly trembling vocals call out with icy power while the guitar cascades and the massive drums and bass continue to launch the track. I enjoy the lurking threat as the heavy low end carries the song to an end.
The narrator talks about gold being "a link between us, a chain round your neck" as well as a sign of affection that glows and glimmers. He adds that it will "shine on." He goes on to say that it is "a limited resource, an ancient ware" as well as a symbol of kingdoms full of "sparks and shimmer."
Sharp-edged synth cutting through drifting notes as rocketing drums erupt as "Above and Below" starts. Hollow, lush-sounding synth sings an expansive and energizing melody above the rushing drums. The vocals call out with a melody full of haunting drama as Retrograth’s resonant voice pulls me in. The drums continue to burst as the deeply vibrant vocals are surrounded by deep-toned, open-voiced synth that trembles while explosive notes skip, heavy and dense, as the low end erupts.
Swirling, delicate sounds flash with golden reflections as the lead singer carries the mystical melody, adding an element of timeless power. String-like synth shines with iridescent light as the punchy drums and bass continue to charge. Jagged notes slice as the leaping percussion continues to flow and Retrograth’s evocative voice carries the lyrics before the song rushes to an end.
Our storyteller talks about the alchemical obsession of finding the Philosopher's Stone and eternal life by "mixing wisdom with magical stones." He speaks of how "in the chemical heaven of the divine," alchemists sought truth in "the golden drops of youth."
The narrator talks about turning base metals into gold to "distill the essence of the soul." He reminds us "as above, so below." He says that "in the spiritual cocktail, the substances and rites," there's a purification that results in "the shiny golden light."
"Luminance" commences with a heavily thudding kick drum and rapidly rippling, twitching synth as a bending series of notes wobbles. The bass is gigantic and heavy as the synth pulses with a warning sensation. The sitar-like synth carries a propulsive and ominous melody. Retrograth drips shadow from his dramatic voice as the drums explode in a groovy beat. Tapping percussion moves and the weaving, string-like synth winds up the tension as Retrograth’s weighty vocals contribute gripping emotion.
The low end is undeniably catchy as diaphanous sounds float like spider webs. The low end gyrates as elevated notes cry out and the slicing electric guitar growls with compelling weight. I enjoy the power and lurking emotion in the song. The vocals slide with cold strength as the drums continue to pulse. Laser-like sounds zip past as the string-like synth twists in a spectral minor key melody. The drums continue to drive hard along with the icy feeling in Retrograth's voice.
Now a flatly pulsing synth moves with the crisp snare drum as tightly wriggling sounds skip past. The guitar snarls with threat as the heaviness below shoves it forward and the song ends.
The narrator says that the spectacle right in front of us demands our full attention as we are "spellbound by a quick response." He points out that backstage, everything is obscured.
Our storyteller reminds us that "fool's gold, brass shimmer" lures our gaze with a fake glow while we are blinded by "luminance" from real life. He adds that "beyond the glittering lights" are the luminosities that guide us through real life.
Now the narrator points out that "the theater in front of your face craves concentration" as one is misled by "visual cues" from real life, which are "masked and interlaced."
A hissing sound fills the background with rushing air to open "Hollow Men." Rapidly flicking digital notes trip through the music with intense, echoing pulsations as the massive drums rebound. Electric bass entangles as the piercingly radiant synth cascades in fierce lines. Retrograth’s voice is triumphant as it carries the powerfully impactful vocals.
The drums continue to thud with raging weight as the full, emotive vocals cry out. The drums are a steady force as a synth pours out brilliance and the entangling bass adds density. Drums keep bursting as Retrograth captures the feelings of the lyrics in his lush voice. The guitar moves in tremulous lines as the wildly shining synth trumpets.
Drums continue to move as the widely dancing guitar is joined by angular noises that slice into the music. The electric bass adds more motion as the vocals exude expression and the brassy synth carries the thundering main melody before the track ends.
Our storyteller talks about digging deeply for oneself "in the promised land, among the grabbing hands" and "in between the scarcity and the green." He says you'll turn your friends to enemies for a plot of land as you walk the river downstream looking "for chunks of glitter in the sand."
The narrator speaks of hollow men who "gather wealth" at the expense of decency and need while they are "at the new frontier, in the golden years." One look and their gold pan will tell them they have "an empty soul (and) two empty hands."
"Sweat and Gold" begins as a steadily flaring, intensely bright synth moves with smoothly bursting drums and deeply undulating bass. The bass has a muscular weight as the vibrating synth cries out with strength. Chords pour light as a wandering, shadowy synth carries a melody that feels victorious yet threatening.
Bending sounds rise as the bass thunders and Retrograth’s uniquely gripping vocals carry the melody, mixing triumph and drama. Huge drums continue to pulse as the chorus flies out with energizing liveliness and colossal bass pulsates with disembodied danger.
The narrator talks about an athlete's great ambitions "to master a game" with an expectation of fame and glory. He speaks of "long endurance, no time for regrets"—just memories of hard work and sweating.
Our storyteller says that when you "run at the top of the world, for the sweet taste of gold, the taste of triumph," and when you climb for your life, it's "for the sweat and gold, the sweat of winning."
A rushing mechanical sound sweeps to open "The Crown." A steadily droning, string-like sound is pierced by fragile chimes and hard-hitting drums. A sitar-like synth is joined by string-like notes that exude radiance and warmth while the low end heaves. The guitar entangles with effulgent light while Retrograth’s resonating voice calls out with a melody full of deliberation and power.
Sitar-like notes are sliced by a gleaming synth that suffuses the music with metallic light. Retrograth’s yearning, directly eloquent vocals drift as the chimes sparkle. The driving beat continues to pulse while the bass surges. The string-like synth carries an orchestral melody, noble and warm, above the weight below it. The depth and expression in Retrograth’s vocals capture the mixture of defiance and gentleness within his words.
Bass towers as the colossal drums rebound and the strings flicker. The drums continue to explode as the intertwining guitar fills the music with brightness and twisting sounds shift. The drums continue to pulse as the steady string flash goes on. As the song comes to an end, the drums become crushing and the strings flow with fierce luminosity before the song fades out.
Our storyteller talks about an ancient tradition which is “the Dark Ages in a glance.” He adds, “The segregation and deception” put the audience in a trance. He adds that it enhances “the persona, improving the morale” as a monarch dons “the orb, the cross, the golden scepter” and puts on the crown. He speaks of endless processions “to hide inherited defects (and) illustrious costumes and creations to lift the grandiose effect.”
Sparks and Shimmer is a mind expanding and emotional exploration of all of the various meanings of gold and what it represents to humanity along with the ways in which it distorts and changes our interactions with one another. I enjoy the way in which this album is a pleasant listening experience as well as a thought-provoking one.