Necromancer - WorldEater

Review by Karl Magi

Overall Album Impressions

Necromancer’s WorldEater is a terrifyingly bleak, harsh slab of towering dark synths, tidal drums and crushing bass. The black gulfs of endless space yawn from this music while fear and existential dread permeate it. The tiny sparks of light feel mournful and insignificant in the face of the shadows pouring from this album.

Atmosphere is a crucial element in my appreciation of music. The dread-filled power of WorldEater creates a raging, Stygian impression while nervous-sounding synths tremble and snarling bass makes demonic progress through the album. In the more fragile moments, I feel profound sorrow as the shadows engulf the universe.

There is a sublime horror that fills the musical elements of WorldEater. The Cyclopean power of the synths that Necromancer uses in his music fills my mind with images of elder gods and icy destruction. The underpinning bass is like the voice of the void as it growls and the drums pound with intense weight and strength. The overall feeling is one of desolation and destruction.

I enjoy the way in which Necromancer layers all of his sounds. The complexity of the different auditory interactions catches my ears. It isn’t all unsubtle raging as the many synth tones, timbres and textures interweave to add depth to the seething blackness that reaches out dark tentacles.

My Favourite Tracks Analyzed

“Awakened” comes to life as a distant bell rings out and rain falls softly. A dark synth pulse slowly beats as metallic sounds clatter and a twisting, distant voice slips. A chilling, demonic voice speaks evil words into open space. Thunder rolls and a high, terrified sound rushes past. A single high chime tinkles and silence falls along with the twisted voice. The sense of omen and portent in this track is an excellent opener to the album.

Quickly spinning arpeggios full of nervous agitation join the sound of rain falling to start “Wrath.” Rumbling bass and a thumping kick drum move in as arpeggios spin up with worry and fear. A bass upwelling moves the drumbeat batters. A horrified sound rings out before the track drifts into a creaking, Stygian void.

Portentous arpeggios twirl while towering drums create a slow pulse and deep bass snarls. Taut strings twist out with a fearful motion as the arpeggio ramps up the feeling of threatening evil. Sparkling sound shimmers out above the tumbling arpeggios as looming bass rumbles.

Agitated arpeggios swirl while raised, bright sound trembles as powerful drums smack into the track. Every musical element effectively exudes palpable foreboding. Feverish light pours from the arpeggios while harsh bass moves in a heavy tide. The drums press on with fierce motion while higher sounds shiver before fading on hollow arpeggios and bass whorls.

“Leviathan” opens as steady, low bass spreads through the music with a muffled drumbeat. Both musical elements grow in power as a buzzing vibration shifts. A diabolical voice speaks as drums thud. A leaping, flashing synth pulse slices above growling bass and pounding drums.

Glowing synth wriggles in a minor key line before fragile chimes waver as soft crunching sounds shift. A bass void yawns below as buzzing synth slowly trembles into the openness around it. This track conjures up images of vast space and devouring evil in a way I enjoy.

A nervous, taut synth pattern cries out with dread above the drumbeat’s muscled strength and the bass weight far below. After a drum flourish, umbral bass growls and medium-high synth with a hollow feeling turns slowly. The chiming synth carries revolving arpeggios as massive drums hit hard below. The elevated synth conveys great fright and the music fades on dominating drums.

A steady, echoing high synth softly shivers as sibilant hissing drifts to start “Devoured.” Winds sweep and sigh as dense bass vibrates heavily before the drums attack ferociously as sawtoothed bass lacerates.

Glittering, raised arpeggios exude apprehension as skittering bass and smashing drums create a shuddering, uneven pulse. A continual high sound shifts before a delicate piano carries a melancholy series of softly touching notes. The piano’s fragility creates a superb contrast to the angry drum and bass assault.

Gritty bass surges through yawning gulfs of darkness. Lost piano notes are nearly swept away by a gleaming, unevenly tumbling synth pulse. The drums and bass slowly thunder as sparkling synth floats out above lugubrious synth chords. The continually shimmering synth rings and drums and bass lacerate as high piano notes are carried away into silence.

“Merciless” opens as intensely bright chimes ring out into cavernous space in a slowly wandering pattern. Harsh metal rings and a steady, doom-laden drum pulse throbs as angular sounds are underpinned by incredibly heavy bass. Muscled, serrated bass and shattering drums ram the music forward with raging strength.

Feverishly flaring synth tumbles in a sharp-edged cascade above the maelstrom deep underneath it. The lacerating low end storm thrashes against high notes shivering through the music. I find the way in which the track's grinding weight drives into the ears with unrelenting anger rather satisfying.

An empty void opens, distant brassy sounds howling out as grit-edged bass moves with horrible power as battering drums smack my ears again. Raised, shining synth carries a melody exuding anxiety as the huge tide below tugs and pulls at it. The chasing drum rhythm is doubled by surging synth pulses while high chimes flicker into silence.

Distorted, guttural bass growls as a steady ringing echoes in the distance to begin “WorldEater.” Jangling arpeggios spin with tense terror and drums smash shove the track forward on a tide of slicing sound. In the distance, flickering synth oscillates slowly while shadowed, crushingly heavy bass presses down.

Chiming synth cries out unevenly, permeated with worry. It spins into an arpeggio, undulating uncomfortably, as urgent drums and bass batter onward. Unfurling arpeggios effectively increase the sense of imminent danger. The bass claws my ears and a sonic cacophony snarls in the distance as silence falls.

“Enslaved” starts with a sound like a yawning grave. Scraping, metallic noises move as fragile, shimmering synth shines in the distance. A rush of icy air whispers through the music as a raised, tentative sparkle is now joined by jumping, heaving drums.

The elevated sound becomes a pulse that shifts side to side, ramping up the tension again. Hard-edged, razor-sharp bass slashes, touched by gentle glitter from an open-voiced synth. Now shining notes tremble into the surrounding openness, contrasted with the darkness engulfing them.

Demonic, guttural speech echoes as a delicate chime is buffeted by gigantic, rough-edged bass and heavily hitting drums. The horrific growl moves with threatening intent before silence falls.

Desolate, empty sounds are touched by a worried, glimmering arpeggio to begin “Offering.” The arpeggio slowly spins out into open space as a massive drum steadily pulsates. Raised synth sounds glow and scream, washed by fear. Crenellated bass lacerates and drums smash in hard. Shiny sounds scream before dark piano cascades in the distance and high synths chant.

Ripping bass tears the music and the chiming synth is full of warning while huge drums shatter. Glistening synth slowly drags above the slower drumbeat while all of the high sounds are panicked in effective contrast to the muscled heave below them.

A twisting chime flickers above the sepulchral bass that flows on and on. Wind blows across the emptiness around it before the drums attack. Creaking bass roughly breaks through as tortured synth howls far above the clotted darkness underpinning it before silence falls.


WorldEater is an uncompromising exploration of the unknown horrors that lurk in the lost reaches of the universe, waiting to rise and devour the Earth. Necromancer has done an excellent job of creating darksynth music that is as chilling as it is well-produced.


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