Dopesketch - Electronic Dope

Review by Karl Magi

Overall Album Impressions

Dopesketch’s Electronic Dope is full of truly colossal bass, fascinating percussion and a unique series of sonically interacting, synthesized “earscapes.” Dopesketch continues to refine his creative, individual approach to electronic music and synthesis with this album. The end result has a mesmeric quality to it that interests me.

All of the synth sounds that fill Electronic Dope have constantly intriguing textures and sonic signatures that keep my ears tingling. I enjoy the way in which Dopesketch combines contrasting timbral and tonal elements to weave intricate, unmistakable soundscapes that ensnare my ears.

Percussive sounds come in a luscious plethora on Electronic Dope. Their variety and interesting auditory signatures provide more opportunities for Dopesketch to create rhythm and motion in his music. The end result are beats that interlock to move the music in fascinating ways.

An underlying current of powerful bass forms a strong underpinning for the tracks on the album. There’s a tidal energy permeating the music on the album to add shape to it. The way in which the other auditory elements are supported by the bass allows them to work better as a whole.

My Favourite Tracks Analyzed

“Monday Night” starts off as thudding bass is broken by stuttering, computerized sounds and a hollow, twisting noise. Warmly swirling chords move above flashing cymbals as crystalline synth chimes descend in a gently sparkling melodic pattern.

The melody contrasts well with the underlying sonic weight. Hollow synth shifts above heavy drums and bass as caressing, full chords massage the ears. Gigantic drums and dense bass throb while the scudding, digital sounding synth trips through the music.

Enfolding synth chords flow up and now broad, bouncing synth notes are split by glittering chimes. Skittering digital sounds interact with the chimes as swelling chords tremble along with rippling, rich synth notes.

Piano-like notes jangle into the music’s open spaces with a roaming feeling to open “Seamstress.” Densely throbbing bass and an entangling, intense sonic pulse keep moving as drums jump and pop. High notes flicker as bouncing drums pound and piano notes flit along while a chugging sound moves below them.

There’s an intriguing layered, tightly packed feeling to this track’s sound. Extended notes sweep with gruff edges, contrasting with the wildly voyaging piano as gleaming synth flickers. An engine-like chugging rumbles along with the drums as they skip along with expanding digital sounds.

“Jersey Girl” begins as wobbling, metallic synth trembles along with tight, angular notes moving in a mournful pattern. Drums form a guiding and varied rhythm below broad, gruff synth shifting along with metallic chimes. Fat, lower synth is effectively interspersed in between shivering, metallic synths creating a hypnotic motion as they play off the lower sound.

The drums return after fading to trip along smoothly. Raised, twisting synth has an unsettling feeling compared to the anchoring sounds that drop down through the music. Tremulous synth moves along with a computerized sound in the trance-inducing pattern with an energetic quality.

Meandering synth with a digitized sound plays off against softer synth whorls to open “Pirates.” The drumbeat rattles and the bass creaks below it. The denser, wider-spectrum synth has an enfolding feeling and the higher synth creates an effective contrast with its round and rich sound.

There’s a dreaming quality in the melodic pattern as drums skip and pop above underlying bass weight. A wistful feeling permeates the melody as it trades off between synths. Drums thump and trip to guide the track while gruff bass grunts and throbs as synths intertwine. The melody glides on before fading.

“Dance Reels” starts as a misty, distorted keyboard carries diffuse, lost-feeling notes over hard-hitting bass, clapping percussion and metallic tapping. Metallic notes ring out as the vibrating, shivering keyboard sounds are touched by computerized notes.

Clashing, jumping percussion contrasts with distant keyboard to set up a complex, interesting sonic pattern. Digital-sounding notes shake through, feeling uncertain while the keyboard rambles before silence falls.

Rebounding, rapidly moving percussion shifts below threatening, full-sounding synth to commence “Excited Subjects.” 8 bit noises zip and wriggle into the music as a hollow, tense synth pops while bass oscillates.

Cosmic, echoing synth moves with sparkling, twittering sounds while hard-edged, dark bass climbs. A steady synth pulsation is joined by an undulating, tinkling sound. I enjoy the segment in which clapping flows into gently caressing sounds and elevated notes interlock as popping, pulsing percussion shifts and silence falls.

“Belly Bizz” starts with broadly trembling, radiant synth echoes out in glowing lines as heavy bass throbs and colossal drums rebound. A full, medium-high synth flashes and flutters above the brighter synth jumping into the track.

I enjoy the warm, drifting melody as it cries out. Gigantic drums pulse and thick bass fills the track’s low end. Sunlit, flaring synth weaves a twisting pattern as the medium-high synth melody floats out in a distorted line. Drums bounce heavily and fade as the synth flares above it gleam with energetic light.

Gruff, medium-low synth is guided by hollow, unique percussion and heavier battering drums along with rich bass opens “Firefly.” Gritty synth vibrates in slowly shifting lines as resonant percussion fades briefly.

Computerized sounds drift as rough-edged synth repeats and hollow, pounding drums echo in an ear pleasing, percussive tide. Tapping percussion moves as massive drums thunder and a repeating, medium-low synth pulse hypnotizes. Quick synth lines stutter and fade away interspersed with broken sounds.

“44oz” kicks off as a steady bass drone and bursting drums move with slowly interlocking, medium-high synth pulses. Actively moving bass throbs regularly as scraping, twisting sounds shift above it and big drums thud.

Above them, a shivering synth trembles and gleaming, distorted notes carry a shaky melodic pulse. Richly resonant synth moves in gruff lines that form an interesting contrast with the tremulous sounds. The drumbeat keeps thumping and high sounds cut in and out as the undulating bass pulse moves in active lines until the track ends.

Diffuse, smoothly flowing background synth is guided by massive drums to open “Knock Twice.” Shimmering synth climbs and roams in rapid motion with a sharp brightness above the echoing, misty background.

Starry sparkling flickers out in a way that draws me to it as the lead melody dances along with rising light. The drumbeat strikes weightily and steady, deep bass moves below it. Raised synth with a cutting shine flits along with softly intermingled background synth.

“Mocaljete” begins as dense, rich bass throbs. Soft-edged, metallic synth flows in an all encompassing, tender melody over the hard-hitting, guiding drums. High synth motes float like dust in the sun.

Lower, warming synth notes flow out in a charming, glistening line as heavy bass pulses and the drums jump and trip. Rounded synth notes drift in a glowing melodic line and the track fades on diverse, unique percussion and thick bass.

Digital sounding synth sparkles, interspersed with repeating high sound to create a trance-inducing motion to start “December 7th.” Muscled bass heaves along with powerful drums in a strong rhythmic motion that I find engaging. Alternating organ-like synth and a steady, elevated sound throb regularly over the top of thunderous drums as distorted, digital notes flash and silence falls.


Electronic Dope represents a further growth in Dopesketch’s signature sound. His ability to make music with intricate, nuanced and heavily textural qualities has continued to grow and I enjoy hearing the results of that growth.


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